Current Obsession // Perch


[ images via Jared Flood ]


It’s no secret how much I adore all things Brooklyn Tweed – from their yarn to their patterns and overall aesthetic. I’m like a little kid in a candy store whenever a new collection comes out. I get the goosies. (Anyone else watch the finals for World of Dance Season 2?)

Goosebumps. I get the goosebumps.

It’s been a while since I mentioned anything under this category because A) I’ve been a little busy and totally slacking in the blog department B) a project I cast on that I once was excited about under this category didn’t quite work out (total fail on my part) and C) aside from one other thing that has been sitting in my draft for forever, I haven’t really come across anything that gave me the chills….until now.


So last week, Brooklyn Tweed released 3 new colors for Shelter and Loft to welcome the fall season. Pumice (grey), Iceberg (blue) and h-e-l-l-o Yellowstone!


It’s Hayloft’s sister from another mister!

I don’t have the yarn in front of me (yet) but it looks like the perfect marriage of yellow and green IMO. A yellow chartreuse. A heathered yellow chartreuse!!!

On top of this gorgeous new color, and basically what sent me over the edge is the beautiful lace half-hap design by Gudrun Johnson. The Perch Shawl.

Perch - Lace Half Hap Shawl - Gudrun JohnstonI mean… damn! Isn’t she gorgeous?

I love the texture and the shape so much. I have a soft spot for triangular shawls because I find them effortless to style whether draped over my shoulders or wrapped around my neck a la scarf. I’m also curious about the construction – no spine like most traditional triangular shawls.


I am totally dream knitting this right now. It’s actually forcing me to finish something – anything! (read: I’ve got to get a handle on my castonitis) so I can get this on my needles….STAT!



Pattern: Perch Shawl by Gudrun Johnston

Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Loft – Yellowstone

current-obsession-BT-perch-yellowstone-2Do you get excited when you come across a design that speaks to your whole being?

As if it was made just for you?


[Disclaimer: All images belong to Jared Flood / Brooklyn Tweed]