
I might just be the biggest procrastinator when it comes to finishing a seamed knitted garment.

But you know what?

I’m ok with it!

Between all the housework that comes with being a full-time mom and running a small business, those precious moments I get to knit have been limited. I’m finding myself setting aside the project if it requires anything other than knitting. This includes blocking and weaving in ends, too!

You’d think this would stop me from picking patterns that require seaming, but it doesn’t. If I really like the design, I’ll still cast it on regardless of how it’s constructed. I’ve come to accept that it’ll just take me longer to have the finished object in my hands.

From the moment I first saw this sweater, I knew I had to have it.

Boxy? Check.

Geometric? Check.

Split hem too? Bonus!

(Wait, was that included or did I add that myself? I can’t remember! It’s been too long but either way… check, check, check!!!)

I love Emily Greene‘s aesthetic and Citrine was an absolute pleasure to knit.

My favorite part is the simple detail of the twisted rib carried up on both sides of the body. Combined with just a hint of lace at the top of the sleeves is genius!

Citrine was a simple, fun knit. The pattern is easy to follow and I finished knitting all 4 pieces in no time at all. It just took me a year to put it all together! Full disclosure, I did make an error that contributed in the amount of time this languished…

I thought I was being smart by knitting the sleeves two at a time, but I ended up miscalculating the length all because I was too lazy to separate and measure.

I have to be in the right frame of mind to seam and it was only during the pinning part that I discovered I had knit the sleeves too long. Of course, by this time, I forgot that the sweater was knit from the bottom up, and when I realized this was the case, I set it aside again because what I thought would be a quick fix of re-knitting the ribbing was actually incorrect.

Another month goes by before I pick it up again. It was around February, when Knit City Montreal was just around the corner, and I really wanted to wear this by then.

I remember laughing at myself after it clicked that what I had to do was a lot simpler than I thought! I shortened the sleeves by ripping back from the bind off edge about an inch, and binding off. I didn’t even have to knit! I seamed the sweater that same afternoon.

Of course, I didn’t block it for another couple of weeks but the important thing was I finished it!

And I love it so much!

// Pattern: Citrine Pullover//

// Designer: Emily Greene//

// Yarn: De Rerum Natura – Gilliatt – in Fauve //