10-year wanderlust

If you are following me on Instagram and watch my stories, you would have seen snippets of our recent trip from Amsterdam. Radley and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary there last month. We’re back home now and I’m slowly catching up with orders and updating my blog. I’m currently editing a new podcast so stay tuned for that.


I did record some b-roll and I do plan on uploading a vlog but knowing me, that will take some time… So, for now, I hope you’ll enjoy these 2 short films Radley created. He might be adding a third at some point and if he does, I’ll share it here as well.

PS, Apologies if it takes a while to load, I’m not able to upload these to YouTube due to 99.9% chance of copyright infringement :)))


If you’re curious, these are the songs used:

Effortless by Wale
Zoom by Kyle