Hello from Ottawa!


It’s been 2 weeks since we moved to Ottawa. We’ve unpacked most of our belongings although it’s still a long way from being organized to my liking but the important things are sorted out. 1) The kids are ready for school and 2) my workspace has been set up.

It’ll be interesting to see how I’ll work on production for my business while living in the same space but I’m sure it’ll be fine once the kids are back to their routine. Radley and I have implemented that headphones are mandatory here and we’re using the party rooms wherever we can. Slowly but surely we are finding our rhythm. Just the other day, I finally got the nerve to drive out of the garage! Tight spaces make me nervous plus the fact that it’s shared between the 2 other buildings means it’s super busy. It’s way too much pressure for me but I managed! Now, I just have to practice driving in and parking ☺️.

We’ve lived in a condo before but this garage is very intimidating! I’ll share more photos of our space soon but for now, here’s a glimpse of where I’m sitting typing away.


I am slightly nervous for my plant babies.  Our unit doesn’t get as much light as they’re used to because of the building behind us but I’m hoping after we finish painting, we can put up some shelving. I’ve been playing musical chairs with them these past 2 weeks, bringing them out to the balcony during the day to make sure they see as much sun as possible. Wish me luck!


Here’s my other table where I plan to put the press. I’ve been watching the sun move through our unit and it seems that white wall is the ideal spot for my plants. The first photo above (with my computer) gets just an hour or so of morning light then it moves to this side of the room.

As you can see, I’ve managed to squeeze in a bit of work too. This means the shop has been re-opened! I can’t wait to start printing and sewing again!


I’ve listed a few of my logo bags for pre-order since I do get a few inquiries for this style. You can choose to have it made as a tote or a drawstring depending on your preference.


The kids have named Lansdowne Park as the “green park”. It’s become one of their favourites so we went back one afternoon and after a few hours of biking, we headed to Boccato for a treat where I took these photos.


Here’s a closer look at my favorite pins on my bag. Both describe me perfectly to a T 🙂

IMG_6034Bag Lady and Plant Lady is the New Cat Lady.

It me 🙂


Of course, we’ve been to Byward Market as well. It was so hard to resist bringing home some of the beautiful plants for sale but we just have no room for any additional items right now. Oh, I forgot to mention another rule we’ve implemented that for every new item we bring in, we must get rid (donate or sell) 2 of the same. I didn’t quite think that one through being a yarn lover and all before agreeing to it but really, how would they know I added one or two more skeins to my stash?? 😝


// Shop Cake & Knit & Weave & Wear Tote Bag //

// Shop Knitterati Enamel Pin //