Holy Grail

jared flood

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Brooklyn Tweed. It’s always been a dream of mine to have a closet full of garments made from their yarn and designs. I have plans to make Natsumi, Ondawa, Aspen, Channel cardigan, Sundottir, to name a few.

[Images via Brooklyn Tweed]

So, of course, when I heard that the man behind it all, Jared Flood, was being interviewed in the Making podcast, I was ecstatic.

I’ve always enjoyed Ashley Yousling’s work on Woolful. It’s incredibly eye-opening and inspiring to hear about other creative’s journey and the ambiance she provides to tell the story is so my jam.

The quote above is from the interview. It resonated with me at this point in my life. Not just with my work but with life in general.

Isn’t it true that we always seem to wait for the right time? When the kids are older or when I win the lottery or when I lose that extra 10 pounds, I will…….(insert goal here)

What about right now?

What can you be grateful for at this very moment?

I’ve been trying to embrace mindfulness more and more as part of my new self-care routine and let me tell you, it’s not so easy. I’ve got so many ideas buzzing in my head. My to-do list is never-ending, the laundry is always overflowing and there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. It’s very easy for me to be overwhelmed by things that in hindsight really doesn’t even matter if I look at the grand scheme of things.

It’s been a work in progress, allowing myself to pause and appreciate the little things whenever I can.

Bullet journaling (bujo) has been my holy grail. I love that it not only helps me keep my tasks and thoughts organized but it clearly lets me know when I’m in way over my head. What I think is important at the time all of a sudden gets shoved down the list or gets migrated. In some instances even irrelevant!


[WIP: Summer Feelin’ Sweater by Wool and the Gang]

I give myself room to journal in there as well and I love that everything is in chronological order. From my tasks to my thoughts. I can easily go back and remember where I was in my life when brainstorming an idea. I don’t really focus on the “pretty/fancy layouts” that bujo can easily turn into. I keep it pretty simple. I carry it everywhere I go and I make the effort to note what I’m grateful for each week.

I find this practice helps improve my perspective. I scan the week I’ve had and find one or two things that might have otherwise been overlooked. There’s always something to be grateful for. Even if you think it’s the worst possible day. It really isn’t so bad.


I love my Leuchtturm1917. It’s simple and classic (hmmm, sound familiar?) you know it’s right up my alley! I love that it comes with dotted lines, numbered pages, table of contents and 2 bookmarks. But mostly, I love the freedom of being able to customize the pages to however it best suits my needs for a particular time. I’m in total control of what I want to make a note of,  whether I want a diary section for this week/month or not.

I chose not to get the bullet journal edition (I got it for my husband though) because it comes with fewer pages and cost a bit more. Have to admit though, I do like the extra features of a dedicated Key and Collections page.

I use the 2 bookmarks it came with for 1) my Current Week 2) my Collections. I added a third which says “Escape the Ordinary” and I use it for easy access to my Future Logs. I picked it up from Indigo (obsessed with that store!) a while back so I’m not sure if they still carry it but there a few others I’ve got my eye on like this and this. Thing is, I only use this one notebook so I can’t really justify getting another charm bookmark (for now anyway!)


It’s jewelry for my notebook. I just love it!

Anyway, back to the quote.

Lots of ideas and plans for the shop that I hope to accomplish this year.  But at this moment, I want to pause, reflect, and be mindful of what is happening right now.

I’m extremely humbled and grateful for the opportunities coming my way and I can’t wait to share it with you soon!

Holy Grail